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Carla is one of the most respected Family Law practitioners in the Midlands.
She specialises in Family Law and advises upon divorce, civil partnerships, cohabitation, property and financial disputes, injunctions (financial and domestic violence), contact and residence applications for and by children, financial issues relating to children, cohabitee rights and agreements, pre-registration contracts and pre-marital agreements.
Carla has obtained Higher Rights of Audience (All Proceedings), which provides her with the authority to appear in all Courts in England and Wales without limitation in exactly the same way as a Barrister.
She is also one of a handful of lawyers in the region to have fully qualified as a Collaborative Lawyer, which offers an alternative way to conduct family law disputes. Further information regarding this process can be found at www.cflg.co.uk.
Former Chair of Birmingham Law Society’s International Committee and a former member of both the Wesleyan Legal Advisory Board and the Resolution Committee for the West Midlands. Carla is a Member of Resolution, the Collaborative Family Law Group, Birmingham Law Society, Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates, the Association of Women Solicitors and The Law Society of England and Wales.
Carla founded Carla Hull Solicitors in 2008.
Carla Hull, Director and Solicitor Advocate

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